Only humans have
1 - Desire
2 - Emotions like Love, Caring, showing empathy, showing affection, inspiration, friendship, companionship etc
3 - The indomitable will to not give up,which results in several qualities like Leadership, the desire to make a difference, the ability to bring people together for a good cause etc
4 - Spiritual questioning - Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose in life etc?
5 - The power of our brain - supposedly our brain is much much more capable than we do today - our brain when trained can do telepathy, can enable humans to leave their body and travel long distances, there are ancient sages that have done this or still doing this
Unfortunately not all humans have this, most of us get imprisoned by our circumstances and give up, end up living a zombie life, while doing that we forget all these amazing things humans are capable of.
So whatever robots/computers that we humans may come up with, life will become very boring if there is not another human with whom you can experience all these human qualities. Computers will accelerate progress or so called progress, but they cannot create/produce these qualities so humans will enjoy hanging out with computers instead of other humans.
All the human qualities will be very relevant even after 20 years or longer.