I found the book's subject to be very interesting and useful to someone in my situation. It definitely targets a niche audience, but I feel that students at Georgia Tech and similar universities will find it helpful. The personal anecdotes made for an interesting read also.
I personally really connected to the chapter in which you described the thought process behind deciding to attend grad school. The mindset in which you first ask yourself what problems you want to solve with your degree makes a lot of sense and is a piece of advice that will be very useful to me in the upcoming years.

I have read through the book and overall I like it in the sense that it is your story written with your voice. The personal element to it is great. I get the feeling from your book that your target audience for this book are juniors/seniors in undergrad primarily with a technical background.
The content is interesting because it is your story. For those who are still figuring out what they want to do in life and come from strong technical backgrounds it can help them decide where to focus their efforts. The content that I felt the strongest was when you talked about entrepreneurship because 1) The experience is not something everyone knows about 2) Shows what you went through to get to where you are now. I also though the content with respect to Steve Jobs was interesting.
The story of how you started your own company was neat and I also though the excerpt about Steve Jobs was very interesting. Totally applicable but that was something new for me as I have never come across it before. I also liked the part when you talked about not coming from a prestigious school but purely having the belief and willing to put in the work. I think that is so key to success
After reading the book, I found it really very helpful and especially for fresh graduates it was very enlightening as to how we should lay our career path and how to plan the future.
One biggest learning that I had via the book was the importance of building connections and networking. And the other one would be persistent and the motivation of not giving up.
I would rate the quality of the content as an 8, the content was good and the real life examples made it very clear and easy to understand.

Tyler Curl
Georgia Tech - Industrial Engineering

Atima Goel
MS Supply Chain Engg
Georgia Tech
Thevuthasan Sendhuran
Strategy Consultant - IBM
Georgia Tech

Puga Sankara is the CEO and Founder of Smart Gladiator. Smart Gladiator is an ATDC Georgia Tech company, Smart Gladiator's award-winning product LoadProof (https://loadproof.com/features) is an Enterprise Photo Documentation System that is enjoying tremendous traction in the Supply Chain Community. LoadProof (https://loadproof.com/features) is a patent pending Centralized Cloud based Enterprise Photo Documentation System for Supply Chain. It is built on the premise that photos and videos are vital documentation serving as compelling proof of important operations performed in the supply chain within and across organizations. These operations may be related to fulfilling customer orders, meeting contractual obligations, or transferring merchandise across different parties taking part in the Supply Chain operations. LoadProof is as important for your organization as an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which is an enterprise system of record for critical documents such as Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Contracts between parties etc. that have tremendous legal ramifications, or a WMS (Warehouse Management System), that holds indispensable information related to orders shipment/fulfilment data. Just like Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat have evolved into platforms that enable individuals to showcase how pretty they or their clothes are, LoadProof is a similar Enterprise system of record that holds photos, not so much for show off, but to serve as compelling, unequivocal, thoroughly documented proof, even in the court of law when there is a dispute between organizations while they perform many facets of their functions/operations, as well as for increased visibility and transparency within the Supply Chain. The capabilities of LoadProof are discussed in detail in the next sections of the document below. LoadProof is live in 460+ Sites, 250+ corporates, 13 Countries.There are more testimonials in this link here also https://www.g2.com/products/loadproof/reviews. Learn more here on our YouTube channel, https://youtube.com/@smartgladiatorloadproof & also here in LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/smartgladiator/
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Tel: 678-481-5486 || puga@smart-gladiator.io
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