So your real goal is to be an Entrepreneur. Because you are asking about coding, I am guessing you want to be a software entrepreneur.
Let us take a step back, entrepreneur and coding are two different things.
i) - To be an entrepreneur you need to provide a service or a product that solves someone's problem effectively
ii) - Which means you have to find that problem and then find people that have that problem
iii) - Once you find the problem and talk to the people that have that problem, confirm that the problem is big enough, it is worth spending some time coming up with a solution, in other words confirm that the market size is big
iv) - Once that is confirmed, then work on your solution, come up with a solution that not only solves that problem effectively but also much easier to switch to, yes to be able to switch easily is very important because, only then the people will switch, if you think about it, there are so many innovative solutions that have failed and did not take off like the inventors expected, because change management is a challenge, people don't like change, especially in enterprises
v) - Then your solution doesn't have to be perfect, come up with a pretty good first prototype, solution first then give it to the people, they will tell you what you need to do, what features you need to add, what capabilities you need to include so they will pay for it
vi) - Then keep adding and keep selling, keep making money, that is what is Entreprneurship is all about
So here you don't necessarily need to be a coder to solve that problem, you can outsource it, once you find the problem and understand the problem really well, so you can articulate clearly what needs to be made in terms of a design and or technical specification, what the solution needs to look like? you can give that spec to a programmer and get your product developed. So that is the easy part. So the difficult part is identifying the problem, and then delivering the solution. I would focus in that, it is always about "Developing Products Delivering Solutions"