You need to understand your problem really really well. Then you also need to understand how well your solution is solving that problem compared to the other solutions that are out there.
Why are your users having that problem? What change is causing this problem? What are the current solutions available? Why are those solutions not good? And Why is your solution the best? Why would the users use your solution over the other solutions that are available? Is it so easy they would pay you a lot of money for it? How many users have that problem? The more users have that problem the more customers you can acquire, the more money you can make. also with the technology changes, how quickly will they leave you if things change? All this you need to know before jumping into creating a solution. Also how else you can expand that solution and create a platform out of it, not like a one hit wonder, make a platform and of course produce more value for the customer, so they will pay more.
So you need to understand the problem really really well and also your solution really really well.
Also check out my book Puga Sankara's Supply Chain Blog - that is a must read before spending Hundreds & Thousands of $$$ on your MBA or Masters Degree to get the best ROI or before starting your Entrepreneurial journey.