Work aggressively on building your targeted customer base & as much support network - because you are going to need all of them
1 - Network through linkedin
2 - Network through Facebook
3 - Start writing blogs on showcasing your expertise, if possible write a book
4 - Form as many real relationships as you can - These are people that will pick up your phone call when you call - not just flimsy relationships, but real relationships - that will help you when you are in trouble - that will make introductions to open doors for your business - These relationships don't come through exchanging business cards in a networking event or at a party, these relationships are formed when you are in the trenches working shoulder to shoulder saving each other's ass
5 - Do a great job in everything you do - Establish a great track record in the work you do, have as many recommendations in linkedin as possible so everyone trusts you - Win people's trust - Build great references
6 - Get a couple of good mentors and build a very good relationship with them
7 - If possible work with an entrepreneur that is trying to do what you want to do right now - learn from him - do cold calls for him - sell door to door for him - learn by helping him
8 - If you want to successful in 3 to 5 years, start right now, don't expect to succeed in your first attempt, if you succeed you are lucky, if not fail fast and move on, learn as much from it. Then work on the next one.
9 - The most difficult and important part in any business is sales, everything else you can figure out if you can get sales going.
To start a Social Strategy Company I would focus on the following
1 - What is the problem you are solving for your customer base? What are the solutions they have now? Why would they buy yours versus the other ones that are out there? How much will they pay for yours? Why ? Is yours so easy to use? How big is your market? How many people are there that have the same problem? The more there are the more people you can sell them and the more money you can make
2 - What is your solution? Why is your solution better? What happens if things change? Will they abandon you?
Also check out my book Puga Sankara's Supply Chain Blog - that is a must read before spending Hundreds & Thousands of $$$ on your MBA or Masters Degree to get the best ROI or before starting your Entrepreneurial journey.