I would say you should work and then go to college/university in the evening. The problem with going to college full-time spending all the money is lack of contextual learning, you are doing it just because everyone else is doing it. I went to college because that is what everyone else did and also my parents asked me to do that, had I had that option of not going to college, I would have learnt something like Programming or Sales or Design or something that I enjoyed a lot more and then figure out my purpose in life, get the context for the rest of my life and then go to college and get a contextual learning, meaning that type of contextual learning really helps me accomplish my life's purpose.
There is a big difference in doing something for the sake of doing or someone else told you that is what you need to do versus something that you do because that is your purpose in your whole life. When you do it with a sense of purpose it is very different, you will get monumental tasks done and it is fulfilling, it may not be always easy, you might run into a lot of hardships, but it is worth it, where as if you do something like a zombie, you will get bored and that is why you often see there are several students sitting in the last bench drawing graffiti instead of listening to the Professor, that is why when people get hooked into something or they figure out their life's purpose, it makes sense for them and they give up everything and go behind that purpose and pursue a contextual learning.
That is another reason why for many people externally it feels like they have accomplished a lot, but within themselves they don't feel fulfilled, they end up like a zombie because they cannot walk away from the responsibilities they have taken up like family, kids, the family's future etc but still not able to play their current role in a fulfilling manner.
Here is a video on contextual learning -
Also check out my book Puga Sankara's Supply Chain Blog - that is a must read before spending Hundreds & Thousands of $$$ on your MBA or Masters Degree to get the best ROI or before starting your Entrepreneurial journey.