Super Sandal
I have my super sandal They make me super pretty I have my super sandal They make me super pretty My sandals are golden and they match...
Swimming in the Ocean
I'm swimming in the ocean deep down I'm swimming in the ocean deep down I'm diving in the ocean with the whales I'm diving in the...
I am a Rockstar Singer
One Two One Two Three go I am a ROCKSTAR singer I am a ROCKSTAR singer I sing my song with my rock and roll guitar I go up on stage...

Cop Caught Somebody

I am Rockstar Person

PTA Reflections Musical Competition 2015 - Simone's Entry "Snap Your Fingers" wins at
Simone's musical composition "Snap your fingers" won the "Honorable Mention" award in 3rd grade at the North Fulton Council (NFC) level...

The Story of Bakasura

The Bragging Poet

The Bragging Writer

Reward to the Inventor of Chess