Question answered in Quora - How can I address supply chain problems in a pure online business?
Could you provide more information? If it is a pure online business, does it mean there are no physical goods involved? The there...

Question answered in Quora - What are manufacturing systems, and how are they distinguished from pro
There are MES - Manufacturing Execution Systems & Production Planning Systems, for example MRP - Manufacturing Resource Planning MES -...

Question answered in Quora - What's one piece of software/a product that you'd have use for
I would pay for a fast charger that charges any iOS device in less than 5 minutes to 100%. Also check out my book Puga Sankara's Supply...

Question answered in Quora - What is the difference between a project controller and consultant?
Project Controller sounds like a Project Manager, may be in a much more specialized area. A Project Manager is a Leader that owns the...

Question answered in Quora - Is cooking a good profession?
Cooking is not a great profession to begin with, because anybody can cook. Anybody with a decent tongue can figure out a tasty recipe and...

Question answered in Quora - Why do so many startups fail?
Because it is very hard, unless you have so much passion for it, do not even try it. Building a startup is like jumping off the cliff...

Question answered in Quora - What am I going to miss the most by not going to college?
I would say you should work and then go to college in the evening. The problem with going to college full-time spending all the money is...

Question answered in Quora - How would you grow a retail juice bar?
1 - Partner with some kind of a gym so you can sell inside the gym - fresh healthy juice right after the workouts 2-Partner with...

Question answered in Quora - What category of advice would be most useful for you as a startup?
If someone can come in and help us figure out a perfect sales strategy that will convert every prospect into a customer, that will help...

Question answered in Quora - How do I career move in supply chain from singapore to Canada?
Here is how I would do it 1 - Create a great linkedin profile & get as many recommendations as possible from the people that you have...